Monday, December 20, 2010
A Holiday Greating That Warms Your Heart

Another Year, Another Problem

He had not one, but two wars he had to deal with. He had an economy increasingly swirling into the abyss, that is the bottom of the toilet. To top it all off, he had the near impossible task of keeping all of his constituencies, nearly each and every American happy. I cannot believe the sentiment coming from some of you jokes. Yes the man is not perfect. Of course he can do more. However, don't you jokes know that the political process is slower than the kids on the short bus, your 90 year old grandma trying to get up the stairs, or the bumper to bumper traffic, at rush hour, during a holiday weekend, put together?
It is outstanding that this man could get a bill as large and controversial as the health care bill passed. The fact that he has done even more than that, amazes me (bipartisan tax bill, don't ask don't tell repeal). I have to question the competency of voters. You elected a man who was very persuasive, but never necessarily promised that he would be superman, for all the special interest groups, who rode his coattails. How can we even begin to pass judgment, when we have already experienced a horrendous mismanagement of government, seen in the previous administration? Have we forgotten maybe a little too soon, those 8 years of stumble after stumble? While I'm not saying that we should be at our president's feet, I am saying we would appreciate his efforts and support progress. So when walkin' into the new year help your president out and realize that he is making an effort, ya demanding, low approval having, Tea Party rallying jokes!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
2010 Top 5 Celeb Upgrades
Why: Cause she's got it like that. Cause she doesn't need her own show anymore. She has her own network OWN. Cause I will continue to mention Oprah so I will have a chance to survive the Oprah takeover.

The Cast of Glee
Why: Cause if one of them picks their nose, its news.

James Cameron
Why: Because of him, everything is in 2010 is 3D and I now pay 16$ instead of the fairly priced 12$ for movie tickets. Thanks James.

Justin Bieber
Why: Because any video of his on Youtube has at least 20 million hits if not 100 million. He can barely sing, yet can make any tweanie bopper cry on the spot, stalk him, and throw bottles or panties or flowers as he performs on stage.
J. Bieber is ridiculous in more ways than one. He is just a trend that won't go away. Humfp...

You Jokes
Why: Now that you are a part of my family, of course I'm gonna' give you an upgrade spot. You are part of those who know better. Upgrade!

This Year in Jokes!!!

The girl has lost her mind more times than I can count. I don't know what will snap her back into reality in the new year, but let's all hope she doesn't get the opportunity to reign in the new year with a bottle of whiskey, or pills, or whatever else she might be able to get her hands on.
To: Glee Making Me Vom on a Weekly Basis

From the GQ cover, to the Jay- Z episode. I feel like I'm on the worst roller coaster ride of number after number and I want the new year to be bringing me some sort of anti- Glee. You can even make it like a stocking stuffer. Just secretly cancel the show and bring me Glee.
From: Four Loko Crackin' us Out
To set the record straight, I didn't have a single drop of this poison.
To: Fo

I am now proud to say that I will never get the opportunity to drink it. Thank you FDA for realizing what college students were partyin' up to and saving thousands of idiot's lives. One point for FDA.
From: BP Spillin' all Over our Ocean

To: The Glacier Paced cleanup!
Then it took forever for there to be a cleanup. Plus, tell me why with all the best scientist working on this thing, no one was able to figure how to build a man hole cover?

From: Pink Friday
Nicki Minaj blew up! I jumped on the band wagon and haven't got off since. Pink Friday is just too good. Everybody check it out!
To: Black Friday

From: Palin's Alaska
The show had so much promise. I am so disappointed. If I wanted to watch a show about fishing I would have tuned in to The Deadliest Catch.
To: Dancin' With The Palin's

From: Hahahahahahaha
To: Hahahahahahaha
Happy New Year to You and Yours!
Christmas is the Holiday of Giving (To Yourself)

Yes, the holiday season involves a tad bit of gift giving, but who is to say that you can't get yourself a little something-something. Right? It makes holiday gift giving that much more special. Don't worry if the gift you got yourself this year, is the best you have gotten' for any person. You deserve it. You're the one gettin' up every day and dealing with your functional moron of a boss, and that unbearable co-worker who is going through a sloppy divorce and telling you every detail, to pay for all of these gifts. Yes! You deserve the gift you want this Christmas.
So while you pick up your last holiday fruit cake, or gift certificate from itunes, or self heating arch supporting massage slippers, stop. Think about what you really want this holiday season, turn and go get whatever the hell you want! Merry Freakin' Christmas ya jokes!
A little gift from me to you!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Dora Gets Ghetto

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Miley Cyrus is Trippin! ( Literally)

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Lebron Settlin' In

I think this vid sums it all up! Here's to you King James.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Cheslea Handler Rips Angelina a New One

I think this whole thing is a little ridiculous though. Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt have been divorced since 2005. Since then, Aniston has a gone through a number of boyfriends. Is it really necessary for her to continue to hate on a woman for five years, because things didn't work out with her former husband? In all honesty, if there is blame to be thrown around, it should go to dear old Brad. Angelina was just the opportunity to leave the marriage, Brad's the one that took it.
Listen up, Chelsea, you book writin', vodka drinkin', nugget lovin', 50 Cent datin' joke. Next time you get up on stage and start popping of at the mouth because your new bff is bitter about her former marriage, take a stab at what's really goin' down in that situation. Aniston hasn't had the best luck with the suitors following Brad. Why is that? I'm just sayin'...
OWN Is Touching Down

Monday, November 29, 2010
Its OK to Talk Sh#t About the Rest of the World (Just not in Public)

Yup, we got all the major players in the docs talking not so nicely about the not so stable countries, Iran, North Korea, Afganistan, Pakistan. This is a major whoops for this administration and brings the kinda heat that Obama doesn't really need right now. With sentiments from Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah pressing the U.S. to "cut off the head of the snake" by taking action against Iran's nuclear program. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi described as "feckless" and "vain." German Chancellor Angela Merkel dismissed as "risk averse and rarely creative." Its not looking good for American diplomacy.
If there is ever a Joke to be had, this is a BIG one. Good luck to dear Hilary, (Clinton that is) in sorting this mess out. Pissed off foreign dignitaries are not the easiest bunch to deal with. Quite honestly if I were you, I'd be scared. Next time you want to keep a burn book concerning world politics dear ole' Government, make sure that that thing is buried deep in a maximum security facility under the biggest lock and key you can find. Ya information Wikileakin', swiss cheese security, spilt milk to cry over havin' JOKES!!!!!
Cyber Monday: The Holiday Vortex

I can tell you now that I will not be one of those people online, shopping for crap to give my friends and relatives for Christmas. I will not be that person who gets snagged into buying the 500 Ipad because it's the last one left that I can personally monogram. It's not the last one left. You know that they have thousands waiting in the rafters. They just want to drain you dry, so that you remember how poor you really are. So that your credit card companies know how much they can collect in late fees. So that little Timmy gets bread and water for his Christmas dinner and you get air pudding and wind pie.
Don't worry, your new Xbox Connect will comfort you both in your starvation. If Black Friday is the retail massacre, Cyber Monday is the vulture coming back for seconds. I wish all you dopes luck on this tragic Monday, as you sink further into debt. Good Luck on your shopping adventures ya shop till ya drop, credit card circle, lay away jokes!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Its Palin's World, We Just Live In It

For some reason, the Palin family just doesn't seem to get it. No Bristol we don't care that you lost the title of DWTS to a dirty dancing wash-up. That your depraved baby daddy is trying to shop around his joke of a reality show (sorry about that whole mess, girl... yikes). No Willow, it is not OK for you to spew homophobic slurs on Facebook, when you mother is (sadly) as high profile as Sarah Palin. NO Sarah you shouldn't continue to expose your children to the limelight, to promote your own brand. Yes, you are exploiting them!
This current Palin hoopla is attributed to only a few of the Palin clan, and I already want to wrangle them all up and cast them off on an iceberg to oblivion. I better not see her other 35 (estimation) children show their face on another network, or I think my brain is going explode from the sheer simple minded spectacle that is the Palin family. Please for god sake let this epidemic die. Let this talentless, cognitively deprived, Alaskan Brady Bunch cast off into the icy sunset of Juno and leave me and my television be.
Oh, and if Sarah Palin dare run for president, I would hope that America has enough sense to stop her at the primary before they let this "wholesome" act get out of hand. It's one thing to make an old backed up prude look a little warmer to his constituency by being on his ticket. It is quite another thing when you let the village idiot become the leader of the free world. I just can't. God help all us Jokes! This woman has to be stopped!
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Big O Gots to Go!

So some of you are probably asking the question, what the hell are the lowly housewives gonna' do now, with their 4:00pm time slot. How will they ever manage to find the perfect diet plan, the right book for the week, or the right place to eat in po dunk Alabama. If Oprah's not there, who will tell them? You know who? The dozen or so other outlets Oprah has established for herself over the years! Thats who.
Cable companies should be sending Oprah a BIG thank you basket, as countless numbers of women are signing up just to check out her new network (OWN). She has one of the most popular magazines out, which your mom and mine are currently reading and eating every word up like a rich chocolate Haagen Daz bar with almonds. She has dipped her hand into producing movies, which I am sure her name will continually show up on whatever Tyler Perry comes up with. Oprah isn't leaving, she is making sure that her brand, her face, and her legend will withstand the test of time. Quite honestly, it makes me sick. She is the most unimaginable, gravitational, women magnate ever! She has a large base that will follow her wherever she goes, for years to come. Here I am just tryin' to get some of you jokes to read my lil' ole blog (believe me, I'm happy if there's one follower let alone millions).
Here is to an eternity with you Oprah, ya African school openin', charity cash chuckin', life changin', heavenly power havin', president elect influencin', "every body gets a car" bellowing, prolific Joke.
This isn't goodbye, it's hello to you dominating media like nobody's business. We're all watching, as you keep ascending. Jeez...
Monday, November 15, 2010
On a Very Special These Jokes: If Men are from Mars, You Jokes are from Deep Space

I sit down exclusively with friend to These Jokes, and single gal pal Ms Wonderful, to hash out why exactly it is so hard in the nesting months, for women to find contentment in whatever situation they are in. Why do I have so many of my female friends coming up to me during this period and asking me why men aren't clambering at their feet, if they are so perfect and so wonderful (their words, not mine)? I thought bringing in a female perspective while I tried to play "Doctor Love" would really help steer ya jokes in the right direction.
Hey Ms. Wonderful, How you feelin' today?
Good. I got a B+ on my paper and one of my classes was canceled!
So we are on the topic of women, relationships, or lack thereof. How do you, as a single women, describe your personal engagement with men?
Well most of my friends, here at the university I attend are gay, so I am the epitome of a fag hag. My friendships with straight men consist of me being "one of the guys". That or I just hook up with them and nothing further develops.
Oh, I see... Do you have a type?
Straight(ha ha). I also enjoy the chase, so I guess you could say I kind of am drawn to the unavailable.
Do you think that this might be a factor in you not finding Mr. Right, because you chase Mr. Wrong?
Yes. I chase Mr. Gay (LOL)
Huh, Why do you think it is that women like to fix a guy? Why not stick with the low maintenance variety?
Ooo, that's a good question. I think every girl has this notion that she can be the one to finally fix a guy, but who are we kidding? They can't be fixed unless they want to be, and if we have to fix someone, we probably shouldn't be with them. And why do I stray away from the low maintenance type you ask? Because they're boring!
Well, what has been some of your experiences in the past?
If they're not gay, they're taken. If they're not taken, they just want [cookies]. And if they just want [cookies] do not expect a text anytime before 12 AM. From my experience with guys, I have learned that I should just stop caring about all of them. But, that is easier said than done. Here is my summary about guys, you can't find Mr. Right until you sift through a whole bunch of Mr. Wrongs.
Ok, as a friend, I am sympathetic to my friend's predicament. As Doctor Love however, I have to give her efforts an F. This F does not necessarily stand for failure, but it stands for fix. It stands for fear. It stands for fake. If you are a woman who wants to be in a relationship, you have to relinquish the notion of a "perfect man". He does not exist. He is as common as a flying unicorn. Your first step is to understand that you can not fix another person, let alone a man. You can try, oh how you can try, but there is absolutely no chance of you single-handedly turning a man's life around. He is not (contrary to belief) a dog. Stop trying to fix him.
Now if you encounter a suitor who catches your eye, but requires the maintenance of uh, I don't know, three five year olds suffering from ADD, it is a good idea, at this moment, to pay attention to your panic button. Whether you realize it or not, it has been pressed. Run with lightening speed in the opposite direction. This is the douche bag you jokes desperately need to avoid.
Now for the second F, fear. Do not be afraid of the nice guy. I know he is like the puppy in the back of the store with the slight limp, which kind of stinks, but he is the guy you want. While you may get a thrill out of being with the ass hole, you will also get countless hours of crying to your girlfriends about how he doesn't treat you right. Of course he doesn't. He is not fun! He is a well disguised trap and you're just another target, notch on his bed post, panty in his draw, or which ever analogy speaks to you.
Now for F number three, fake. Contrary to what you may believe, men do not like to play games! We are a simple minded people. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Anything outside of these bounds will only confuse us.
Please, Please, Please ladies do not get discouraged during these couple of months. It may take a while to find what you are truly looking for, but be OK with that. Come spring you will want to be single anyway. Take comfort in this. For those of you who have boyfriends, good luck. That brings further complication that can't possibly be addressed in this post. So what, there is no prince charming to fulfill your every desire, pick you up on his mighty stead, or place a dainty slipper on your foot. It is not that big of deal. Get a grip ya joke!
-A note from your resident Doctor
Hey! I know what will bring your spirits up!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Lil Jon Made Sesame Street Dangerous

Lil' Jon has taken an innocent song about having fun on every kid's favorite street, and made it a hood nightmare. This video is not appropriate for children. However, it is extremely funny and offensively ignorant at the same time.
I don't think Big Bird and the gang will be too happy about this one. Lets pray that the little ones don't pick up on this and start gettin' grown up with their Kids Bobbin'.
All in all a Youtube gem!
Kanye Kanye Kanye... (This Joke Just Keeps Gettin' Better!)

Matt Lauer interviewed Kanye West recently about statements made against former President George Bush. In the interview, Lauer shows a clip of another recent interview he did with the former president, which showed Bush's sentiment about the remarks made by Kanye. To put it lightly, Kanye was not too pleased with the anchor's use of media.
In essence, a whole lot a mess went down, hilarity ensued and I almost wet myself. This interview was something else. What everyone can learn from it is that Kanye's ego is so massive that there is no circumstance in which he feels that he has done something wrong. There is no circumstance which he is willing to apologize for. The man lives in his own world. I can't even begin to describe Kanye's thought process. The fact that he can't even acknowledge a single mistake made on his part, without over justifying the circumstances in which he made it, is just baffling. This interview, my friends, is one of those little golden moments on television. Somehow, Kanye never fails to deliver.
Hey Kanye you rap, entertainment, high concept, man on moon, head through the clouds, reaching for deep space joke! When you are being interviewed about the very public flubs you have partaken in the past few years, expect to see a few video clips. Expect that people will be offended by your assbackward remarks. Expect Matt Lauer to play those clips as you try to over justify yourself. Expect something YA Joke!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Conan is Back! But I Don't Care

His first guest was Seth Rogan, who if I'm not mistaken, has lost his funny in addition to the lbs he has lost. His second guest was Lea Machele from Glee and she was about as interesting as dry toast. I didn't even make it to the performance of Jack White, which I'm sure was great, but at that point I was through. Good luck Conan on the new show and new network. I'm sure you will be the shining star that everyone tells me you are. Ya late night, network -hoppin' joke!
Monday, November 8, 2010
These Jokes: Favorite Things (Oprah Ain't the Only One)
1) Cell Phone: A drunk text can go from bad to worse depending on the

These are the three devices I turn to, to get through day-to-day non-sense. I'm sure one, if not all, are apart of your daily routine and would be very hard for you to part with. Before I leave to bury my cell phone in the electronic graveyard, give a shout out to some of the things you jokes can't live without. (I better be on that list somewhere, ya information age, technology junkie,web savvy JOKES!!!)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Weezys Free! (Lil' Wayne for the Less Enthusiastic)

Truly a golden moment, when we celebrate our favorite rapper's release from jail. Really? Whats next, a re-release party for TI, who didn't manage to stay out of jail for too long. I guess he just missed talkin' to people behind three inches of glass. In any case, Lil' Wayne is free so lets all put a bottle of something in the air, pour a little out for the homies that passed and celebrate the return of this rap superstar. Cheers! Ya jokes.
Take a listen to his new single Right Above It from his new album Im Not a Human Being:
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Election Day (I Pity the Fool Who Ain't Votin'!)

Now here is some patriotic music to get you motivated, sung by the ever crazy, true blue American, Whitney Houston!
Another Disney Starlet Bites the Dust...

I have to wonder how these kids are, in real life. You see them all glossed up with the Disney sparkle, but with all that pressure to be perfect little robots, they must be a little crazy. Right? Well Demi, when your not skippin' around in a Camp Rock movie of the week, try to take it easy so you don't end up like that other joke. You know, the one who needs PETA to flip her rehab bill in exchange for her becoming a vegan. Yeah. That one. Don't get too rapped up in the Disney game. Ya not so happy- go- lucky joke!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Anjulie Melodically Flips You Off Better Than Cee-lo
Kanye Gettin' All Epic on Us (I Don't Have the Time)

Listen in Ya Joke!: 5 Reasons Why You May be a Winter Wonder Joke

1) Flip flops are not boots. Do not think its ok to travel in a blizzard in flip flops. Its not like you just touched down in Miami. If you did, good for you, the rest of us are freezing.
2) Uggs are winter appropriate, the added jean skirt, not so much. Exposure of your legs in 30 degree weather makes people think,"doesn't this idiot know its cold outside".
3) Just because you decided to rap a scarf around your neck over your a t-shirt, does not mean your ready for the winter elements. While you neck maybe toasty, the frostbite you suffered in the rest of body will not be fun.
4) Layers are necessary. If you arrive inside and only have one thing to remove from your body, it better be a well lined parka, otherwise your doing it wrong.
5) Last but not least a very basic rule. Put something on your head! I don't care what it is. If you wanna fashion it out of paper machay, go for it. Just make sure somthing is there. If ya didn't realize, all your body heat travels out your dome. If you think you're immune to flu, you're not. I will be damned if your sneezing on me...
Go out and enjoy winter while being warm ya short wearing, flip-floppen, "no im not cold, I always shake like a chihuahua " joke!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Halloween! (Code Name for Slutfest 2010)

What is it about this holiday that sets girls loose and turns them into crazed sex beasts on the prowl? What is it about Halloween, which mind you is in October, not the warmest of months, that tells a girl yes.
"On this day, I will try to wear as little as I possibly can. On this day, I will put hooker shoes on. On this day, I will wear so much make up on my face, that it looks like someone put it on me with a shot gun. On this day, I will not only have guys dangling at my feet, but I will be running from hoards of creepers panting at the sight of me." Ahh yes what a Holiday! I ain't mad at you ladies, but just for me, keep some mase in ya purses. Ya scantily clad Jokes!
This Woman is Having a Baby (Yikes!)

All jokes aside a baby is always a blessing. Congratulations! Just remember Mariah what I said about the baby naming. We better not see a little " Butterfly" enter the world. Hopefully, the new baby will get along with your other child, Nick. You know, so you can have one nice happy family.
To celebrate Mariah's new edition, I would like to post her upcoming single "Oh Santa" from her new Christmas album Merry Christmas 2 in stores next week. Hopefully the baby will come out better than your new single, ya joke of a mother to be!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Four Loko Is For Crazy People!

Contrary to popular belief, this is not a "drank"; it's a death wish. Do not consume this poison. While it might seem fun for the first half hour, the next four hours hung over the toilet isn't a trip to Disney World. Stay away from this drink of death, ya young, stupid, high on life and everything else under the sun, can't nothing bring me down but a twelve ounce can of liquid arsenic JOKE!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Why School Reform is Necessary (Racist Field Trip)

Now, when a teacher plans a field trip, you would think they have enough sense to check into the details of wherever they were going. You know, to find out exactly how appropriate the field trip is for their students. This didn't seem to be the case in one particular incident which this poor man suffered when his teacher took him to a cotton processing plant.
The following video may be disturbing to some, as it will have you rolling on the floor and holding your sides. Be warned that this video or field trip for that matter, is not suitable for any child. Parents hold on tight, as your eyes may widen and jaws may drop. All I'm sayin' is that politicians really might want to take peek at the status of the public school system. Do not at any time think it is ok to take a black child to a cotton processing plant and have them pick cotton. This is not a very special Roots moment, you backward thinking JOKE! You've been warned!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The Rent is Too Damn High (He Ain't Lyin'!)
As Bad as She Wanna Be ( She Whips it!)
Check out her new vid!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Egypt is a Country, Not a Baby
If I hear that another celebrity has named their kid a cockamamie name like this one, I will start a petition that bars these jokes from gettin' all crazy with the baby namin'. Seriously, I cannot stand that a child will have to spend the rest of their life known as Apple, or Coco, or Reign-Bow.Yes there is a child out there whose celebrity parent decided to name them Reign-Bow and no I did not spell it wrong.
For the love of everything that is pure and innocent, do not name your child something that an employer has to do a double take on. Don't name them anything a teacher has a hard time pronouncing. Don't choose a name that is gonna' require a dash or apostrophe to be spelled correctly. Most importantly, do not choose a name that has anything to do with the conception of the child, or that you as a parent, continuously have to justify. Ya reckless baby naming joke!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Going out with a Bang or Two

This girl should keep her mouth and legs closed at all times. In a 42- slide PowerPoint she has managed not only to let the world in on the prowess of the men she has slept with, but also on how much of a skank she really is. Owen discusses one incident where even in her "blackout" state she managed to sleep with yet another athlete. Is this what you or, no doubt, your parents pay 40 grand a year for? To land the next ( in the words of Snooki!) gorilla juice head in the dirty concubine quarters you call a dorm room?
I have to wonder what this girl was thinking when she decided to create this. Why is it that parents shell out all of this money to produce polished morons such as this one. I can't imagine who else pushed through her revolving door of A+ nooki. I mean really, what kind of guys do you think she decided to leave off this little presentation? I'm sure Miss Owen you got a thrill out of over exposing yourself to the world as the gift that keeps on giving, but seriously keep your business to yourself. Ya fantasy sports wranglin' JOKE! (oh yeah, good luck on the job hunt too)
Here is a quick vid for those who don't know about this joke:
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Lindsay Lohan: Some Jokes Get Old

Anyway the girl is a tremendous, continual train wreck. I often wonder if there is anything left in that vodka soaked brain of hers that tells her the road shes on, is one that won't carry her any further than the flask she probably sneaked into the court hearing, or maybe than the klonopin or whatever prescription drug is still given to her. Most poignantly, lets not forget the top notch parenting of both Mr. and Mrs. Lohan, who I wouldn't trust with a chihuahua, let alone a child.
What becomes of a person when they have no real consequences? Apparently they turn into a hot mess like this one, who has no moral guidance and endless access to every drug known to man. I wouldn't think twice if it was reported that this girl had her own personal key to a pharmacy. Good luck Lindsay where ever life takes you, and hopefully this round at the funny farm will do you some good, ya sad sad joke.