If I hear that another celebrity has named their kid a cockamamie name like this one, I will start a petition that bars these jokes from gettin' all crazy with the baby namin'. Seriously, I cannot stand that a child will have to spend the rest of their life known as Apple, or Coco, or Reign-Bow.Yes there is a child out there whose celebrity parent decided to name them Reign-Bow and no I did not spell it wrong.
For the love of everything that is pure and innocent, do not name your child something that an employer has to do a double take on. Don't name them anything a teacher has a hard time pronouncing. Don't choose a name that is gonna' require a dash or apostrophe to be spelled correctly. Most importantly, do not choose a name that has anything to do with the conception of the child, or that you as a parent, continuously have to justify. Ya reckless baby naming joke!
I consider myself to be a celebrity expert, but I don't know of a star-kid named Reign-Bow. Thesejokes, you are joking, yes?