Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Snookin for Trouble

Yes. The shore cast has made a big flub in Italy. The little nugget Snooki crashed into an Italian police car creating a bit of a shake up in the Italian streets. It is not a good idea for them to create such a big blow up in a foreign country. Believe me Jersey Shore cast, foreign jail is not a good look. Can we make it through a season without destroying a country? You GTL rockin jokes!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hangover 2!

Can't wait to see these jokes again!

A Moment of Silence for the Staffinator: Former Governer Arnold Schwarzenegger

So the staffinator ( yes that is the former governor who sleeps with staff) has pretty much jacked up his whole world and his clean up will be a long one. But honestly these are the types of moments that media lives for. Good luck Arnold with the impending divorce and everything else. Hasta la vista baby!

Karmin: Listen to Her Now!

Someone give this girl a deal! Sold!

Oprah Is Gone

Tell me why Oprah's last show was an hour long fortune cookie. There were no gifts, no celebrities, no glitz, no glam. It was just Oprah sittin' up there in her pink flowy god awful expensive dress, inspiring her legion of O zombies with empty inspirational phrases. Thanks big O. Until we meet you on OWN for more useless information again. Ya Miss Cleo spoutin' joke! (Nice Beyonce performance though!)

Royal Wedding: Disney Dream Wedding?

Been gone for a minute, now I'm back with the Royal Wedding. I know, I took a huge moment of silence for that joke of a wedding but check out the Disney pictures that suspiciously look like the giant spectacle. I hope for your sake Prince William and Princess Kate that your marriage does not end up in a royal divorce!