Matt Lauer interviewed Kanye West recently about statements made against former President George Bush. In the interview, Lauer shows a clip of another recent interview he did with the former president, which showed Bush's sentiment about the remarks made by Kanye. To put it lightly, Kanye was not too pleased with the anchor's use of media.
In essence, a whole lot a mess went down, hilarity ensued and I almost wet myself. This interview was something else. What everyone can learn from it is that Kanye's ego is so massive that there is no circumstance in which he feels that he has done something wrong. There is no circumstance which he is willing to apologize for. The man lives in his own world. I can't even begin to describe Kanye's thought process. The fact that he can't even acknowledge a single mistake made on his part, without over justifying the circumstances in which he made it, is just baffling. This interview, my friends, is one of those little golden moments on television. Somehow, Kanye never fails to deliver.
Hey Kanye you rap, entertainment, high concept, man on moon, head through the clouds, reaching for deep space joke! When you are being interviewed about the very public flubs you have partaken in the past few years, expect to see a few video clips. Expect that people will be offended by your assbackward remarks. Expect Matt Lauer to play those clips as you try to over justify yourself. Expect something YA Joke!
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