1) Flip flops are not boots. Do not think its ok to travel in a blizzard in flip flops. Its not like you just touched down in Miami. If you did, good for you, the rest of us are freezing.
2) Uggs are winter appropriate, the added jean skirt, not so much. Exposure of your legs in 30 degree weather makes people think,"doesn't this idiot know its cold outside".
3) Just because you decided to rap a scarf around your neck over your a t-shirt, does not mean your ready for the winter elements. While you neck maybe toasty, the frostbite you suffered in the rest of body will not be fun.
4) Layers are necessary. If you arrive inside and only have one thing to remove from your body, it better be a well lined parka, otherwise your doing it wrong.
5) Last but not least a very basic rule. Put something on your head! I don't care what it is. If you wanna fashion it out of paper machay, go for it. Just make sure somthing is there. If ya didn't realize, all your body heat travels out your dome. If you think you're immune to flu, you're not. I will be damned if your sneezing on me...
Go out and enjoy winter while being warm ya short wearing, flip-floppen, "no im not cold, I always shake like a chihuahua " joke!
I always shake my head when I see a guy wearing shorts and a long sleeve shirt. This is NYC not San Diego.