Yup, we got all the major players in the docs talking not so nicely about the not so stable countries, Iran, North Korea, Afganistan, Pakistan. This is a major whoops for this administration and brings the kinda heat that Obama doesn't really need right now. With sentiments from Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah pressing the U.S. to "cut off the head of the snake" by taking action against Iran's nuclear program. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi described as "feckless" and "vain." German Chancellor Angela Merkel dismissed as "risk averse and rarely creative." Its not looking good for American diplomacy.
If there is ever a Joke to be had, this is a BIG one. Good luck to dear Hilary, (Clinton that is) in sorting this mess out. Pissed off foreign dignitaries are not the easiest bunch to deal with. Quite honestly if I were you, I'd be scared. Next time you want to keep a burn book concerning world politics dear ole' Government, make sure that that thing is buried deep in a maximum security facility under the biggest lock and key you can find. Ya information Wikileakin', swiss cheese security, spilt milk to cry over havin' JOKES!!!!!
Good stuff! Thanks!