For some reason, the Palin family just doesn't seem to get it. No Bristol we don't care that you lost the title of DWTS to a dirty dancing wash-up. That your depraved baby daddy is trying to shop around his joke of a reality show (sorry about that whole mess, girl... yikes). No Willow, it is not OK for you to spew homophobic slurs on Facebook, when you mother is (sadly) as high profile as Sarah Palin. NO Sarah you shouldn't continue to expose your children to the limelight, to promote your own brand. Yes, you are exploiting them!
This current Palin hoopla is attributed to only a few of the Palin clan, and I already want to wrangle them all up and cast them off on an iceberg to oblivion. I better not see her other 35 (estimation) children show their face on another network, or I think my brain is going explode from the sheer simple minded spectacle that is the Palin family. Please for god sake let this epidemic die. Let this talentless, cognitively deprived, Alaskan Brady Bunch cast off into the icy sunset of Juno and leave me and my television be.
Oh, and if Sarah Palin dare run for president, I would hope that America has enough sense to stop her at the primary before they let this "wholesome" act get out of hand. It's one thing to make an old backed up prude look a little warmer to his constituency by being on his ticket. It is quite another thing when you let the village idiot become the leader of the free world. I just can't. God help all us Jokes! This woman has to be stopped!
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