He had not one, but two wars he had to deal with. He had an economy increasingly swirling into the abyss, that is the bottom of the toilet. To top it all off, he had the near impossible task of keeping all of his constituencies, nearly each and every American happy. I cannot believe the sentiment coming from some of you jokes. Yes the man is not perfect. Of course he can do more. However, don't you jokes know that the political process is slower than the kids on the short bus, your 90 year old grandma trying to get up the stairs, or the bumper to bumper traffic, at rush hour, during a holiday weekend, put together?
It is outstanding that this man could get a bill as large and controversial as the health care bill passed. The fact that he has done even more than that, amazes me (bipartisan tax bill, don't ask don't tell repeal). I have to question the competency of voters. You elected a man who was very persuasive, but never necessarily promised that he would be superman, for all the special interest groups, who rode his coattails. How can we even begin to pass judgment, when we have already experienced a horrendous mismanagement of government, seen in the previous administration? Have we forgotten maybe a little too soon, those 8 years of stumble after stumble? While I'm not saying that we should be at our president's feet, I am saying we would appreciate his efforts and support progress. So when walkin' into the new year help your president out and realize that he is making an effort, ya demanding, low approval having, Tea Party rallying jokes!
Yeah. Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country -- and president! Right?