I think this whole thing is a little ridiculous though. Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt have been divorced since 2005. Since then, Aniston has a gone through a number of boyfriends. Is it really necessary for her to continue to hate on a woman for five years, because things didn't work out with her former husband? In all honesty, if there is blame to be thrown around, it should go to dear old Brad. Angelina was just the opportunity to leave the marriage, Brad's the one that took it.
Listen up, Chelsea, you book writin', vodka drinkin', nugget lovin', 50 Cent datin' joke. Next time you get up on stage and start popping of at the mouth because your new bff is bitter about her former marriage, take a stab at what's really goin' down in that situation. Aniston hasn't had the best luck with the suitors following Brad. Why is that? I'm just sayin'...
Yeah You Right, as they say down in Louisiana.